
Bespoke Contacts being world's first cloud delivery platform for custom-built B2B contact data, it offers you a completely new experience while managing your data. Now you can manage your projects; collaborate with your peers, teams and SMARTe; fill in the communication gaps; automate transactional activities andharness analytics on marketing data under one login. It's a one-stop-shop destination for your all types of marketing data needs and support. Our solution provides ease of interaction and full visibility for entire project life cycle, right from project criteria to data delivery and beyond. Managing B2B Contact Database, segmenting your marketing lists and planning your campaign data were never so easy!

Project Management, Bespoke Contacts, b2b contact databases, contact database management

Project Management

Project Management is one of the key features of Bespoke Contacts that enables you to manage your contact database without much hassle. Being a cloud-based model, it allows you to access and manage your data from anywhere anytime. Adding to that, you now have back-up of your data with us. All you have to do is just a 'sign-up'.


In this globalized world, you work in a virtual work environment. While you may be sitting in your office, your subordinate sitting in another continent altogether! So how do you plan and manage your direct marketing campaigns and implement database strategy around it. Need is of seamless ‘collaboration’ through Bespoke Contacts, even if you are based in different locations, it gives you an opportunity to collaborate with your peers or counterparts, your teams or divisions effectively.

Bespoke contacts Collaboration, Global Marketing Team Data, b2b directmarketing campaigns
Bespoke contacts Automation, Bespoke Contacts processes, campaign data, SMARTe data


Automation is one of the key feature of Bespoke Contacts; providing you with real-time notification from our sales/account managers related to you subscription, from project managers on project related developments, or related to accounts payable, contract management, user management, approvals, etc. This enables data users undo a lot of transactional activities..


The best part of this feature is that it allows you to communicate to your entire team as well as the SMARTe team through a message board that is available on your dashboard. Via this you can highlight your message to convey your messages regarding any ongoing projects, to instruct our operations team or update the finance teams regarding payments or any other issues.

Bespoke Contacts Communication, Customer Queries, Project Message Boards
SMARTe Inc Marketing data, Bespoke Contacts Analytics, b2b Data projects usage


So after doing everything when the time comes to take a stock of what was done, do you struggle to formulate anything meaningful – be it a report on your data usage, campaign data patterns, or an overall metric to be presented higher-up! Marketing data without metric is something you can do-away with in-built analytics feature on Bespoke Contacts.